Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Take Our Republic Back

The politicians in Washington have taken our Republic, turned it in to a Democracy, and are now turning it into Socialism. I the last 3 months our Socialistic government has spent around 2 trillion to bail out bad companies or in the name of economic recovery. This is money we do not have! Before Obama as even been in office for 100 days he will have socialized medicine, nationalized Citi Group, spent another 1.5 trillion dollars, raised taxes on "The Rich", raised taxes on the poor and middle class also (although the Democrats would never admit that) and there is so much more.

Were does all of this stop. Soon we will not have a country left. It is time for the people that want to restore our republic "The Republic of These United States" to take it back by force. I believe that we are past the point of restoring this republic through the Democratic process.

I have heard people like Neal Boortz say that government only has the right to use force to accomplish its goals but I disagree. The founding fathers of this Republic gave us the right to "Bear Arms" (the 2nd Amendment). This was not just put there so that we could protect our selves from people trying to rob or inflect harm on us. It was put here so that if our government got out of control and was taking away our natural borne rights protected under our Constitution that we could use this right to Bear Arms to take back our Republic and give back the Natural Borne Rights of the people of this Republic.

We need to pick up our weapons and remove these corrupt pollutions from office and reform our Republic so that it can continue to be strong and prosper into the next century.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Steve (my father in law) thinks the same thing. I guess I am not up for violence yet-- but we are heading in that direction. Walter E. Williams recently said, "What makes us think that we aren't like Rome?" I gotta agree!