Monday, March 9, 2009

Drug War in Mexico

The Drug Cartels in Mexico are fighting the Mexican Government. This war is spreading in to the US and the Cartel operates out of every major City in the US. There is one simple way to take care of this problem and that would be to LEGALIZE DRUGS!!!

Drugs are were these Cartels get just about all of there money and this money is what gives them the power to fight the Mexican Government. If the US would Legalize Drugs then they would loose there base for cash and so they would loose there power.

People are always going to do drugs and there is nothing we can ever do to stop it. If you make certain drugs illegal then you greatly increase the price of these drugs therefor creating huge profit margins for the large criminal organizations that take up the drug trade. Just look at prohibition. During Prohibition the criminal organizations took up distributing alcohol (with is a drug) because when the Government made alcohol illegal it made it extremely profitable.

In this country we spend who knows how many Billions of Dollars to fight this war on drugs and the illegal and prescription drug use just gets worse. Our jails are over crowded with none violent drug users that have not done any thing to hurt anyone else.

I also believe that making drugs illegal makes them much more attractive to young people. When kids start to rebel they are going to do things that they are told not to do. Drugs are considered so taboo and government fights them so hard it makes them that more enticing to young kids who are rebelling against what ever.

Why do we not just stop wasting all this time and money fighting this useless war on drugs and spend it on educating people on the effects of these drugs and how bad they are for you. There are plenty of studies out there that show education and counseling work much better and are much cheaper then jail.

Shannon (my older sister) do not give me this crap about "What about the Children". So often when some group of people are ready to take away freedom they start this what about the children crap. People trying change or get rid of our 2nd amendment use the same excuse.

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