Monday, January 5, 2009

Humans & Nature

I have a really have a hard time understanding why so many people insist on separating Humans and Nature. For example when ever there is a forest fire and they start asking if it was caused by Nature or Humans. I just want to ring there neck and tell them if a Human starts the fire then it is Natural. I say this because we are part of this earth. We are made up of the very same things that every thing else on earth is made of. We are made of Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, etc. And on the sub-atomic level Humans and everything else on the planet are made up of Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons...

Then you have all of these people constantly talking about different spices going extinct. If humans cause a spices to go extinct then it was Natural and time for that spices to become extinct. You also have to look at the other side of the coin that if humans keep a spices from going extinct then it was not time for that spices to go and it was natural for them to stay.

I am just tired of hearing people separate Humans from Nature like they are two different things when they are not. We are the Earth, the Universe, the Solar System, etc. Just remember that everything is made up of the same thing at the very basic lever and that is "ENERGY"!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Preach it, brother!