Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Bad Words

I was looking through some of my sister Shannon's blogs the other day and she wrote about how one day Ashley (my brother in law) said "Dammit" causing one of her girls to starting saying it over and over again. Well my question is why is "Dammit" a Bad Word?? The definition of "Dammit" from is: Used to express anger, irritation, contempt, or disappointment. So why is it a bad word? Is it because it is negative? Are any words that express any kind of negative emotion bad words? I realize that people do use words like "Bitch" in a negative way when there true definition is not negative. I mean come on people "dammit" is not a bad word. Before long people will not be able to show any kind of anger with out any word that is said being a bad work. We are nothing but a country or society full of wussies. And Shannon I have bad news for you by the time your kids get to about 3rd or 4th grade they are going to have heard about every word you consider bad and when they get to be teenagers you will probably be hearing them a lot from your girls.

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