Sunday, January 18, 2009

Park Ranger

Well I was out for a walk today with my dog in Umstead park. Today was cold and with a little rain so there were not many people in the park. So I took my dog off of is leash so he could run around and have some fun. Well along comes mister Park Ranger (government) to harass the people of the park. Well he gave me a warning ticket for have my dog off of his leash. So I got in to an argument with him of course.

He asked my I was so upset. I told him it was because this is nothing but another tax on the people. He told me it was not and told me it was because some people are scared of dogs. Well isn't that just nice. Someone is scared of a dog or something else but don't worry the government is here to take care of you and make sure nothing will never scare you. So I told him that is nothing but the "Wussification of America" and that we should just baby everyone because they are scared of something. I also told him that if someone is so scared of dogs then they can go somewere dogs will not be and leave everyone else alone.

His next reason was what if I loose my dog then they will have to find it and they do not have the man power to do it. Why in the Fucking Hell is it his problem "aka the GOVERNMENTS" if I loose my dog in the park. I do not need his help looking for my dam dog if I loose him nor do I intend on calling his worthless ass. I do not need the worthless government agents to help me in any way at all. Stay Out Of My Life.....

His last reason was that when he started working at the park there were dogs running loose all over the park and we can not have wild dogs running around the park. If we catch your dog we will have to put him to sleep. Well again that is my problem not yours and just so you know dogs came from the wild just like people.

Basically all this is government wanting complete control over every aspect of every ones life, another way to Wussify this country, and another way tax the people.

You can not go anywhere or do anything with out government up your ass trying to control you and tax you.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Bad Words

I was looking through some of my sister Shannon's blogs the other day and she wrote about how one day Ashley (my brother in law) said "Dammit" causing one of her girls to starting saying it over and over again. Well my question is why is "Dammit" a Bad Word?? The definition of "Dammit" from is: Used to express anger, irritation, contempt, or disappointment. So why is it a bad word? Is it because it is negative? Are any words that express any kind of negative emotion bad words? I realize that people do use words like "Bitch" in a negative way when there true definition is not negative. I mean come on people "dammit" is not a bad word. Before long people will not be able to show any kind of anger with out any word that is said being a bad work. We are nothing but a country or society full of wussies. And Shannon I have bad news for you by the time your kids get to about 3rd or 4th grade they are going to have heard about every word you consider bad and when they get to be teenagers you will probably be hearing them a lot from your girls.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Humans & Nature

I have a really have a hard time understanding why so many people insist on separating Humans and Nature. For example when ever there is a forest fire and they start asking if it was caused by Nature or Humans. I just want to ring there neck and tell them if a Human starts the fire then it is Natural. I say this because we are part of this earth. We are made up of the very same things that every thing else on earth is made of. We are made of Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, etc. And on the sub-atomic level Humans and everything else on the planet are made up of Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons...

Then you have all of these people constantly talking about different spices going extinct. If humans cause a spices to go extinct then it was Natural and time for that spices to become extinct. You also have to look at the other side of the coin that if humans keep a spices from going extinct then it was not time for that spices to go and it was natural for them to stay.

I am just tired of hearing people separate Humans from Nature like they are two different things when they are not. We are the Earth, the Universe, the Solar System, etc. Just remember that everything is made up of the same thing at the very basic lever and that is "ENERGY"!!!!!!!