Monday, August 17, 2009

Governmnet & Marriage

Why are people in this country so abscessed with government legitimizing so many things? In many cases they do not even realize that they are. One of the best examples is with Marriage.

Many people do not consider there selves committed to each other, bound to each other, and responsible to each other until they sign that marriage certificate. Why is this? Why cant a man and a woman who love each other just sit together and tell each other that they want to spend the rest of there lives together and then work together to support each other and standby each other. Why do they need the governments blessing for them to be committed for better or worse.

The only reason that anyone should care weather the government recognizes there marriage is for tax purposes. Of course this should not be so because the 16 amendment should be abolished but that is another blog for another day.

Now if you are religious and your religion requires you to walk down an aisle and recite your voles in front of your priest this is a completely different matter. Or what ever your religion requires you to do for a union.

When I look at the way people act before they get married, while they are married, during and after a divorce and it is like they are always doing what the government says. They can not solidify there union until the government says so. They will not really work on there relationship unless the government makes them. For example in North Carolina you have to be separated for a year before you can get a divorce. This is one way the government tries to make you reconcile your differences.

I am not sure if I explained this well but it is very hard to explain my thoughts about this. I really feel like I did a really bad job explaining my thoughts on this but here it is.

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