Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Global Warming Scam - Some Thoughts

Does Global Warming exist? Of course it may in some areas on earth. Is it caused by humans? Of course humans play a role in what happens on earth. We are organisms made up of the same elements as everything else. There are many things that affect the earth’s climate. Most of the things that do affect earth’s climate have nothing to do with Humans.

The sun of course plays a big role in everything that happens on Earth. During certain periods the sun is more active. These periods may last 100 years, 1000 years, or 1 year. There are periods of time that the sun puts off a lot of solar flare that can affect the earth. The fact is we can not predict when the sun is going to be more active and it plays a big role in the climate on earth.

Gravity also plays a large part in earth’s climate. The path earth takes around the sun changes. There are periods of time that the earth will pass closer to the sun. The earth does not make a perfect circle around the sun and it is always changing. Gravity also affects the tilt of the earth in relation to the sun. The earth basically wobbles back and fourth. The moons gravitational pull also plays a part in earth’s climate and the moon is moves one inch further away every year. This will affect the climate of earth also. If you think about it gravity plays a big role in earths Climate.

Now think about Magnetism. What role does Magnetism play in earth’s climate? I believe that it plays another big role in it. Of cause I can not prove it but on one can prove it or not prove it definitely. Right now Earths magnetic field has been getting weaker. I believe this is because it is getting ready to reverse so that the north will be come the south and the south will be come the north. This as happened many times in the past and will happen again. There are many other ways Magnetism may affect earth’s climate that I and everyone else might not understand.

People are arrogant to think that they can destroy the earth. We do have the ability to cause the collapse of our civilization but the earth will continue to support live and thrive. There are many past societies that have collapsed because of the way the treated there environment. Humans do not know history. They do not remember what the weather was like 2 years ago much less 500 to a 1000 years ago. If people studied history and looked at the research of Archeologist, Paleontologist, and Geologist they would see that climate is always changing and that it has made more drastic changes in a much shorter period of time in the past.

I do think that at some time in the future something will cause our civilization to collapse and a lot of people will die. No one knows if it will be because of something that we do to the environment or something like disease. I believe the world is over populated and sooner or later something will give.

There are even more things that can cause climate change. Volcanoes, tectonic plates shifting, the currents in the oceans changing and there are many other things.

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